Tuesday, 28 November 2017

8085 Program to find square of a number in 8085

Program to find square of a number in 8085

LXI H, 6200H        : Initialize lookup table pointer
               LXI D, 6100H                : Initialize source memory pointer
               LXI B, 7000H        : Initialize destination memory pointer
       BACK: LDAX D                : Get the number
               MOV L, A                : A point to the square
               MOV A, M                : Get the square
               STAX B                : Store the result at destination memory location
               INX D                : Increment source memory pointer
               INX B                        : Increment destination memory pointer
               MOV A, C
               CPI 05H                : Check for last number
               JNZ BACK                : If not repeat
               HLT                        : Terminate program execution