Wednesday, 6 June 2018

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Wednesday, 24 January 2018

8085 program to multiply two bcd numbers

Statement: Write an assembly language program to multiply 2 BCD numbers

8085 program to multiply two bcd numbers

MVI C, Multiplier : Load BCD multiplier
MVI B, 00 : Initialize counter
LXI H, 0000H : Result = 0000
MVI E, multiplicand : Load multiplicand
MVI D, 00H : Extend to 16-bits
BACK: DAD D : Result Result + Multiplicand
MOV A, L : Get the lower byte of the result
ADI, 00H
DAA : Adjust the lower byte of result to BCD.
MOV L, A : Store the lower byte of result
MOV A, H : Get the higher byte of the result
ACI, 00H
DAA : Adjust the higher byte of the result to BCD
MOV H, A : Store the higher byte of result.
MOV A, B : [Increment
ADI 01H : counter
DAA : adjust it to BCD and
MOV B,A : store it]
CMP C : Compare if count = multiplier
JNZ BACK : if not equal repeat
HLT : Stop

List of all Microprocessor 8085 all program with examples

So Guys here are the list of 8085 programs for beginners who are currently learning 8085 microprocessor and also for those who are looking for8085 microprocessor programs pdf here is all and you can collect it. In this you can get access to microprocessor 8085 programming tutorial which are all tutored and not only this in this we have microprocessor 8085 programs with opcode.
